
Cobden Street, Wollaston, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 3RU

Our Mission Statement

To know God, and to be known by God.


Rev Michael Payne

​Click here for a welcome message from Rev Michael


Sunday Services

10:30am followed by tea and coffee in the School Room

Sunday 22nd December
10.30am & 6.00pm

Carol Service
All are welcome


Click here to go to our Facebook page

Regular Activities

Weekly Activities

  • Prayer and Discussion Group (Wednesdays, 10:30am) with coffee and biscuits

Fortnightly Activities

  • Ladies' Circle (1st and 3rd Mondays)
    Entertainment and events, with a small charge of £3.50 and a membership fee of £5.00.

Monthly Activities

  • Community Tea (2nd Wednesday, 2.30pm)
    Companionship, Fellowship and a Chat, and sometimes a sing-song ​food and drink is served and a no-obligation contribution can be made to the costs and room hire​.

    Interested in hiring our room? Click here to find out more.

Please also see our page on the Vale of Stour Methodist Circuit website.