Cobden Street, Wollaston, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 3RU

Our Mission Statement
To know God, and to be known by God.
Rev Michael Payne
Click here for a welcome message from Rev Michael
Sunday Services
10:30am followed by tea and coffee in the School Room
Click here to go to our Facebook page
Regular Activities
Weekly Activities
- Prayer and Discussion Group (Wednesdays, 10:30am) with coffee and biscuits
Fortnightly Activities
- Ladies' Circle (1st and 3rd Mondays)
Entertainment and events, with a small charge of £3.50 and a membership fee of £5.00.
Monthly Activities
- Community Tea (2nd Wednesday, 2.30pm)
Companionship, Fellowship and a Chat, and sometimes a sing-song food and drink is served and a no-obligation contribution can be made to the costs and room hire.
Interested in hiring our room? Click here to find out more.
Please also see our page on the Vale of Stour Methodist Circuit website.